Legal Rights of Underlying Women In Ancient Sanskrit Literature


  • Satyendra Kumar Singh  Sanskrit Department, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



'Literature is a mirror of society', this sentence was as relevant in ancient times as it is today. The reflection of various aspects of life ie social, economic, political and behavioral states is visible in this literature. In the current time, when the law / the sound of the word is heard, the outline of the law is made in our knowledge or we should say that the legal structure that exists in society today was not in the ancient society. In that period, there was an abundance of political governance system and the king used to decide the dispute on the basis of his discretion, theology, the memories or the tradition, as well as the determination of the rights and duties of a person or society. When we follow the rights of women, we become aware of the fact that the rights of women in the society were very limited and the tendency of fluctuations in them remained. First of all, it is a matter of fact that what ancient Sanskrit literature advocates for women and who were they actually received and what was the inequality in the rights of men and women?


  1. Manusmriti, 9 / 46.47
  2. same, 9/101
  3. same, 9 / 78-79
  4. The same, 9 / 175-176
  5. Pandurang Waman Kaane-History of Dharmashastra Durga-2, Part-2, Page 608
  6. Vasishtha Dharmasutra, 17 / 75-76
  7. Economics- 3/4
  8. The same, 3/3
  9. Jaataktha, 444
  10. Gautama Dharmasutra 22/35
  11. Manusmruti 5/155, 156, 158
  12. Narad Smriti 12, 28
  13. The same 12, 97
  14. Vasishtha Dharmasutra 17/66
  15. Adityapuran 21, 14
  16. Vishnusmritya 6, 21
  17. Yagnavalkya Smriti 2, 48
  18. Rig Veda, 1, 126,3
  19. Mahabharat, 5, 86, 8
  20. The same, 5, 86
  21. Apostom Dharmasutra 2,6,14,16-20
  22. Yagnavalkya Smriti, Vyakharadhayya
  23. Vaishtha Dharmasutra 28, 2
  24. Vishneshwar Teak 2, 92
  25. Yagnavalkya Smriti 2, 143, 144
  26. Economics, 3.2
  27. Vishnusmruti, 17, 18
  28. Yagnavalkya Smriti 2, 147
  29. Manusmriti 9, 217






Research Articles

How to Cite

Satyendra Kumar Singh, " Legal Rights of Underlying Women In Ancient Sanskrit Literature, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.625-630, January-February-2017.