Cost Aware Secure Network Protocol Design for Wireless Sensor Network


  • Rozeena S. Sheikh  M.Tech Student, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Ballarpur Institute of Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
  • S. Sahare  Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Ballarpur Institute of Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
  • A. Manusmare  Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Ballarpur Institute of Technology, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India


Routing, Security, Energy Efficiency, Energy Balance, Delivery Ratio, Deployment


This paper concerns with Sensor networks which are a prominent representative of fastest computing technologies. The limited resources of sensor nodes and the low reliability of wireless communication pose special challenges for message routing in sensor networks. This paper gives context awareness can enhance routing in sensor networks. Further, we analyze the network properties which influence the benefit of context awareness in the routing process. The presented simulation results allow assessing which networks are best suited for such an approach.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Rozeena S. Sheikh, S. Sahare, A. Manusmare, " Cost Aware Secure Network Protocol Design for Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 4, pp.482-485, May-June-2017.