The Problem of Inauspiciousness in Hinduism and Its Solution


  • M Aslam  Research Scholar, Philosophy Department, Rajnarayan College, A. Hajipur, India



Hinduism is the eternal religion, because it is an ideology that has been continuously flowing, yet historically, Hinduism is considered to be the oldest among all the surviving religions in the world. As far as its nomenclature is concerned, it is said that the Hindu name is based on the name of the Indus River. Sindhu has been called Indus (Paddakneedh) in English. Hindus became indignant from Indus due to incorrect pronunciation by Zoroastrians and Western invaders. 1 Muslims got this word from Persia ie Iran. Many words derived from Hindu and Ish are found in Persian dictionaries, such as Hindu, Hindi, Hindu etc. It is clear from the existence of this word that the word Hind is Persian in origin and it means Bharatvarsha.







Research Articles

How to Cite

M Aslam, " The Problem of Inauspiciousness in Hinduism and Its Solution, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.1269-1278, March-April-2018.