A Study of Creativity of Girls Students in Relation to some Personality and Socio-Economic Variables


  • Dr. Amita Trivedy  M.A., Ph.D. (Psychology), B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (Bihar), India


Socio-Economic Variables, Neuroticism, Manifest Anxiety Scale, Psychologist


Creativity has many things which an individual utilizes in order to actualize his self (Rogers 1959), and to make his original and unique contribution to the society in the form of offering solutions of scientific, literary, artistic or other problems. Some psychologist have described the concept of creativity as a highly complex cognitive capacity, a problem- solving activity, a productive thinking and imagination, which emphasises on newness, creating of useful products e.g. creative discoveries, innovations and inventions.


  1. Ahmed, R. and Jafri, A.V. 1973. An experiment in Creative Teaching Educational Trends 8, 97-101.
  2. Barrom, F and others 1952 personality style and perceptual choice Jr. Personality 20. 385-401.
  3. Barron, F. 1969-Creative person and Creative Process New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  4. Eiduson, B.T. 1958. Artist and non-artist : a comparative study Jr. Personality, 26., 13-28.
  5. Janipal, G.S. 1980- A review of studies on creativity, Indian Psychological Review 19(3), 28-34.
  6. E. 1952. Psychoanalytic Exploration in Art. New York. International Universities Press.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Amita Trivedy, " A Study of Creativity of Girls Students in Relation to some Personality and Socio-Economic Variables, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.1040-1042, March-April-2018.